10 mayo 2007

Languages - An old-fashioned industry still to be reestructured

Does anyone know a good method to learn French online for Free? Should there was one I would try to begin learning French in my free time. Otherwise I wouldn't.

A year ago I did some research and I could not find anything I consider good. Also I researched Spanish ones (for a foreign friend) and nothing. It is surprising that public institutions like the "
Instituto Cervantes", whith about 700 employees and Euro 60 million to promote the Spanish language, have not a powerful online tool.

One day, two young undergrads living in the outskirts of San Francisco would setup that tool, with the aim of getting revenues from advertising, an investment fund would put the bucks, and after a huge success someone in the Spanish press, or a politician would say "We have to have our own free language learning tool"

Maybe I am wrong, but I think there are not good enough tools for learning languages out there, and the advertisement market for that concept would be huge.

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