13 octubre 2006

2006 Nobel Peace Prize

I am extraordinary happy of learning that Muhammad Yunus-Grameen Bank have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, for their development of the concept of Micro-Loan.

As I have mentioned in several previous posts, I volunteer for a NGO, helping in the micro-loan program for newly Latin-American women in Spain (there are also some Eastern Europe women, although majority is Latin American). The micro-loan originally served to help those women to get rid of the debt with “mafia-lenders” that finally force them to go into prostitution. The program is based in Madrid, and hundreds of women have benefited from it for the last years.

A second thing I really like of that award is that Muhammad Yunus is a real entrepreneur, a very innovative entrepreneur.




"It's not people who aren't credit-worthy. It's banks that aren't people worthy." - Muhammad Yunus

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