07 agosto 2006

Steve Jobs Graduation Speech (2005) at Stanford

In 2000 I first met my friend Juan Olaizola. We both worked in McKinsey&Co. I said him "Hi, my name is Francisco Hernandez" and he replied "Hi, I am Juan Olaizola and I want to do my MBA at Stanford".

That was great! At McKinsey almost all Business Analysts (like him or me) were preparing the admision into an MBA program. Conversely to Juan, if you asked anyone what his/her favourite University was, you could spend and hour and you did not get the name, responses were vague and nobody would give you a ranking. People were conservative because if they failed, it would be evident.

I rather prefer someone honest that states clearly his/her ambitions without achieving them that someone "reserved". And of course I prefer people who explicit their ambitions and achive them, like Juan. He got admission at Stanford and graduated in 2005. I think his honesty and clearness was not actually a handicap but indeed a real advantadge for him. He truly believed in what he was pursuing.

After Juan and Emi (my cousin... yes they got married and now Juan and I are relatives!) returned to Spain from California we met and I asked him about his experience. I remember he spent quite a long time speaking about the graduation ceremony. While talking Juan had the same bright in his eyes I saw when I met him for the first time. He was specially delighted by the guest speaker of his graduation ceremony and his speech: It was Steve Jobs.

In my opinion this is one of the most inspiring speeches I have ever seen.

Enjoy it!



I'm not sure the first time we met was that one. The very first time you came into my office looking for our friend Jody (my office mate) and I told you she was not there and if I could help you in anything you needed I would be grateful to help you. After that we started a friendship and thanks to that, and thanks to Jody, I met my wife Emi.

The MBA at Stanford was a great experience, but personally the best experience of my life is to have found my wife. So I have big things to thank you ;-)

If you want to have the text of Steve Jobs speech you can find it in this link

And remember: Stay hungry; stay foolish.

You know what, you are right! But probably I forgot that previous contact because it was pretty much in the office context.

But you are right.

Stay hungry, stay foolish!


P.D.: Thanks for the link
I just want to add, because I also was in that graduation ceremony, that:
Steve Jobs left the University in the first years, he didn´t feel comfortable there, he wasn´t belong to that world....he was treated as a failed person.
And now, when he's rich, well-positioned, that "Univerity world" that once rejected him...now adores him, and uses him as a model.....
just a comment for you to think...

I totally agree with you. Actually I think part of Steve Jobs's speech tries to let graduating students see that this is only another start over.

"Stay hungry; stay foolish." applies for graduating students as well.

Jobs -in my opinion- makes that point in a very subtle way. So subtle that I think people realises hours or days later! (or not)


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